Friday 19 March 2010

U2’s remix album on the horizon

U2 have announced a limited-edition remix album, featuring 13 years of phat beats and, er, genre cash-ins. The album, Artificial Horizon, compiles three new tracks and 10 previously available remixes on a limited edition triple-LP.

isn’t the U2 release that fans were hoping for. In the days before No Line on the Horizon came out last spring, Bono and the boys described a “companion record” due late 2009. Eventually, it was even given a name: Songs of Ascent. But as the seasons wore on, no such songs ascended. The band now say they are working on new material, with an album ETA of June.

In the meantime, there’s Artificial Horizon. Despite its title, only four of the remixed songs are from No Line on the Horizon. The rest stretch from a Grand Jury mix of If God Will Send His Angels, released in 1997, to Trent Reznor’s take on Vertigo. Other highlights include remixes by David Holmes, Hot Chip, Justice and a reimagining of Happiness is a Warm Gun cover.
Artificial Horizon is on sale now, either on CD or as a limited-edition vinyl set. It’s not clear why the album’s 60 minutes of music have been set across three entire LPs, but the gatefold sleeve will doubtless be pretty. According to U2’s website, vinyl versions will only be manufactured after orders close on 14 May, making the album a “collectors must-have”.

U2’s previous remix album, 1995’s Melon: Remixes for Propaganda, was a fan club exclusive. It regularly sells on eBay for upwards of £30.

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